Friday, June 4, 2010

Diversity and e-drive notices

I've been reading a lot of e-drive audition notices recently. No, you don't need to worry that I have taken up acting – Canadian theatre is still safe from my acting/singing/dancing talents, and we should all be thankful for that.

Mostly, I am curious to see how theatres have been using the recently-added ability to include an ethnocultural mandate or ethnocultural casting statement. This change was made in response to engager and member input, and as a result of policy changes in the wake of Council's focus on diversity issues.

The principal intention was to allow an engager to focus a casting call to a subset of our members that reflected either the company's ethnocultural mandate, or the requirements of the show in question. Theatres responded right away.

What I've been waiting for, and what I am beginning to see in increasing numbers, are other theatres using this space to declare that what they are looking for is talent, without regard to ethnicity. Thank you to those who have so clearly stated a commitment to ensuring Canadian stages look like Canada does.

I recognise that this is not the end of the road, but it is a hopeful sign that we have started down the right one. 'Bout time.

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