Friday, October 19, 2012

Independent theatre update

A draft of the new "Indie" (it still doesn't have a name that isn't so long it needs to be printed on legal sized paper...suggestions welcome!) has been circulated to the two former ITRC co-chairs to make sure that staff has dealt with as many of the concerns expressed by the members as possible, both in the content and in the administration of the policy.

Staff are also finishing work on a second policy, which will be called the "Artists Collective Activity Project" or ArtCAP. This will replace the Co-op, and be similar in some regards, but offer a more open take on collaboratively-produced projects.

Together, staff anticipate that these two new engagement policies will make it easier for members to initiate the work they want to do, work with whom they want to, and do so on a schedule that is appropriate for the work and the participants. The new policies remove the impediments that were identified in the survey, while still ensuring a level of protection for the artists involved. 

Staff has already started building the contract forms and other material to support these. Once Council elections have concluded, staff will be able to fully turn their attention to getting these out for use.

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